It seems that here in Cuenca, sex is used to sell a lot of things, such as bad baked goods, none of which are even made with milk, and backpacks and school supplies for kids. The middle picture is of a computer store I have never seen open. I am pretty sure marketing is not the forte of the business culture here.
Hello McFadden-Roesslers!
As you may well remember from visiting us in Cuenca when we were there, the bakery next door to our house not only did not use milk, but also used only margarine and goat's milk chocolate. think about that the next time you get something from the bakery.
We are missing all of you and look forward to hearing more about life in a foreign country.
I'm watching the Phillies. This may be IT. You keeping up?
It's 2 to 0. First inning.
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