One of the things I like the best about living in another country is that you get to do dangerous things that you can't do at home. I don't think there are places in the legalistic dominion of the USA where they have zip lining, because the insurance probably would be prohibitive. Although I still can't figure out how ski resorts survive. So on a beautiful Sunday in November, Julian, Lizzie and I went with our new family friends from Colorado Janine, Emily (7), and Felix(4) to Cuenca Canopy. The men had some other bold adventures to take care of that day. So we all suited up to be flung out on cables across gorgeous 350 ft. ravines. Felix did the first two lines only because of his age, but he was so nonchalant about he event, I am sure he could have done all 6 lines. After getting over my fear of heights, I allowed myself to look down during the sail. Then all of us started trying the different styles that you can do with the guides. Of course, Julian was the first to try the Superman style. This is where the guide holds onto your legs from behind and you fly with hands outstretched Superman style to the other side. All of the kids tried this. Then there is the Mariposa (butterfly) where you face the guide and straddle his legs. He holds on to you and when you start sailing across, you let go of the cable and hang upside down in an X. This is pretty outrageous and I screamed my whole way across, but it was fun. Don't get the idea from Julian's lack of smiles(he is preteen and pictures aren't as cool) that he didn't enjoy himself. He did, as did we all.
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